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International expertise


Vattenfall's Cogeneration Power Plant Reuter West

In the German capital Berlin, Vattenfall Europe operates two hard coal fired 300MW boilers at the cogeneration plant Reuter West. In total over 100 measuring points equipped with conventional technology have been replaced by the drift and maintenance free PROMECON MECONTROL Air system ....  


Luminant Energy

Amongst several power stations Martin Lake has applied the MECONTROL Air system. The power station was suffering from reliability problems with air flow measurements on the pulverizers. By applying PROMECON technology these issues could be resolved and a more stable and lower maintenance operation of the mills was made possible.

South Africa

Camden Power Station:

All pulverizers were retrofitted with McON air. This has increased mill stability and availability. Before the PROMECON retrofit the mills did not have any measurement of air flow and were using the fan power as measure for the PA.

Serveral attempts using conventional delta P measurements failed. Finally the PROMECON measurement was applied successfully. The application included the remodeling of the PA ducting using a CFD study by PROMECON.