Products for Power Industry

Reliable flow measurement for hot and dust laden gases - single channel solution
The McON Air SIL flow measurement system is a single channel solution which works according a patented correlation principle. The system measures the time of flight of unique signal patterns created by particles contained in the gas. Because the principle is time based it is accurate and drift free over the entire lifetime.
Advantages & Benefits
- Reliable measurement of dust laden gases
- Temperature range up to 1000 °C/1800 °F
- Drift free - no calibration, no purging
- Virtually no maintenance
- SIL 2 version available
- Turn down ratio up to 25
- No K-Factors - direct time of flight measurement
- Hot tapping solution for full plant availability

Reliable flow measurement for hot and dust laden gases - single channel solution
The McON IR flow measurement system is a single channel solution which works according a patented correlation principle. The system measures the time of flight of unique signal patterns created by particles contained in the gas. Because the principle is time based it is accurate and drift free over the entire lifetime.
Advantages & Benefits
- Unique measurement system for high temperature applications.
- McON IR measures the air velocity directly and is calibration free.
- The measurement principle is digital, reliable and absolutely drift free.
- Direct gas-flow-measurement at the process outlet of EAF, BOF and lignite furnaces without additional flow by water quenchers.
- IR sensors are non intrusive and have no wear, long operation intervals without cleaning.
- Enables mass and energy balance to optimize energy intensive processes.
- Enables mass and energy balance for mill state controllers.
- Reliable control and optimization of dedusting sites results in direct savings of fan power.
- Gas flow measurement directly after the 4th hole.
- Measurement of chemical composition CO, CO2, CH4, H2O.
- Measurement of gas temperature.
- Optimisation of electrode and refractory wear, efficiency and operation cycles.
Patents pending: PCT/EP2019/075710
McON Air Portable

Measure hot and dusty gases: anytime - anywhere
McON Air Portable provides you the same robust, drift and calibration free measurement like McON Air but as mobile device. Take the complete set for measuring hot and dusty flows of process gas with you, even on an aircraft. Find out in any plant, what the gas flows are. This device gives you a mobile tool option as well as a long term recording tool.
Advantages & Benefits
- The full advantage of the measurement principle of McON air (see above)
- Rugged and portable cases for mobile use
- Plug and play installation at the client: install the sensors and see instantaneous result (in m/s of ft/sec)
- Sensors with different length for different duct or pipe size.
- SD Card for data logging in CSV format: check the flows over weeks
- An additional 4-20mA output so you can connect right to the plant DCS
- A tool developed with professionals from the industry

Online measurement system for measuring fuel mass flow
The patented MECONTROL Coal system helps you to
- Balance fuel flow to the burners
- Reduce fuel pulsations
- Manage mill heat balance and mill dynamics
- Reduce boiler load swings
Two independent measurement technologies
MECONTROL Coal utilizes two independent technologies to measure the mass-flow rate in pulverized coal pipes. The velocity measurement uses the time of flight of unique signal patterns created by particles contained in the gas. Density measurement is based on microwave resonance in the lower frequency range, matched to the typical pipe sizes in coal & biomass combustion
Advantages & Benefits
- Reliable mass-flow measurement of pulverised coal and biomass
- Independent measurement of velocity and density
- Drift free - no calibration
- No maintenance - no purging
- Virtually no maintenance
- No K-Factors - direct time of flight measurement

Your complete fly ash assessment online.
The McON UBC system continuously measures the content of unburnt carbon in fly ash as the main combustion quality control parameter. The patented system works in-situ, without complicated sampling and for most robust and lowest maintenance requirements. The system is available in different configurations to suit your application.
Advantages & Benefits
- No sampling
- No pneumatic transport
- High availability
- Simple mechanical design
- No grind size separation due to sampling
- Low total cost of ownership
McON Temp

Ultra abrasion resistant temperature measurement
The McON Temp temperature sensors are designed for purpose. Super fast response time guarantees fast tracing of process temperature changes on mill outlet for better control of mill dynamics combined with high wear resistance.
Advantages & Benefits
- Ultra thin, low wear protection tube
- Super fast - T90 < 10s
- No thermal well necessary
- Fast tracing of temperature changes and swings
- Various lengths and measuring inserts available
Density Damper

The density dampers are designed for a long lifetime. The flow control element is orientated perpendicular to the pipe and does not create high flow velocities or critical particle impact to the unprotected pipe walls. The control element is multi layer hard surfacing protected, the valve body is protected by a ceramic liner.
Advantages & Benefits
- Control element perpendicular to pipe
- No coal deflection against pipe wall - therefore no pipe wear
- Abrasion resistant construction
- Available with Manual and automatic adjustable
- Available with flange or any kind of coupling
McON Air Compact

Reliable flow measurement for hot and dust laden gases - single channel solution
The McON Air Compact flow measurement system is a single channel solution which works according a patented correlation principle. The system measures the time of flight of unique signal patterns created by particles contained in the gas. Because the principle is time based it is accurate and drift free over the entire lifetime.
Advantages & Benefits
- Reliable measurement of dust laden gases
- Temperature range up to 1000 °C/1800 °F
- Drift free - no calibration, no purging
- Virtually no maintenance
- Turn down ratio up to 25
- No K-Factors - direct time of flight measurement
- Hot tapping solution for full plant availability
- Even for emission monitoring: Most accurate measurement of the total stack flow