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2021 has been full of great online networking opportunities. We are happy to announce our participation in the cement conference by the Mission Energy Foundation ´´ cemWHR – 2021´´

The Indian cement industry is keen to adopt WHRB systems in a big way. The technical specialization within the Indian cement industry is advanced; the plant operating team can overcome the technical barriers analyzed. The major deterrent to faster adoption of WHRB systems has been the financial barrier. The potential for WHRB in the Indian cement industry is very high.
As an associate sponsor, we are looking forward to an interactive conference about bringing awareness among the industry on suitable technologies that may be considered for the implementation of WHRB in existing and future cement plants.

اِقرأ المزيد: PROMECON at cemWHR 2021


We would like to thank all the attendees of our Webinar yesterday in partnership with the world cement on "Gas Flow Measurement in Cement Plants - a game changer in the optimisation of cement making".




Here are the problems we tackled in the cement industry:

  • The ID fan has to be operated in such way that a specific air flow is achieved
  • A deviation of the specific air velocity may result in a blockage of the mill or influence on the material
  • In general the day-to-day operation is adjusted with a ‘security factor‘ of +15% of air flow through the mill

And we provided actual results using PROMECON measurement systems solutions, McON AIR Compact and McON Air SIL.

  • The electrical power savings can be determined with 1,0 kWh per ton of grinding material (raw meal or cement)
  • Continuous savings of 150 kWh for a 150 t/h mill
  • By considering electricity costs of 0,07 €/kWh it is 10,50 €/h
  • Latest after 1.500 hours the system ROI is reached

To watch the full webinar video, here is the link to the recording: here 

For further questions and information, please fill out the contact form on our website. We will provide you with all the details you inquire.

اِقرأ المزيد: Successful Cement Webinar with World Cement Magazine comes to an end


PROMECON introduces a novel infrared system that benefits the Steel & Smelters industry in several ways.

It is a drift free velocity measurement that comes with an automatic process adjustment. You will have no contact with hot process and the infrared system McOn Air IR is resistant to high temperature. Our innovative technology will support you steel & smelting process efficiently in the technical applications mentioned below. For inquiries and further information, please fill out the contact form on our website.

اِقرأ المزيد: PROMECON introduces a novel infrared system McON Air IR


Diversity in a team brings different perspectives and learnings.

We make it our priority at PROMECON to ensure that our employees are not only aware of it but also invest time and efforts in understanding the aspects of cross cultural management and skills. Our teams will be participating today in a Webinar on Cross-Cultural Competence by IHK Magdeburg. We will be sharing key learnings and takeaways in the next days. In the meantime, get to know our teams in person.

اِقرأ المزيد: Diversity education at PROMECON is a priority.